It's all those small things...

Not sure about you but this week has flown by.. Half way through January already and lots of positives... It’s even starting to get lighter in the evenings now.

So...Where do we begin? 

Only last week we saw a slow down to the build at Four Elms because it was too cold....Two sighs of relief from us but only momentarily, as fast forward a week and the site has been buzzing with tradesmen, finishing walls, putting in steels, laying cables and pipes, and altering just a few internal layouts!  Fingers crossed windows and doors arrive soon so then the internal work can begin and we can get the paint brushes out!!

We found a saying:

“You’ve got to think about the big things while you’re doing small things, so that all the small things go in the right direction. —Alvin Toffler”.


We have done so much this week, lots of seemingly small things but they all add up and head us into the right direction!  Excitingly we’ve ordered signs for the car park at Four you know where to find us 😉 but who knew it was so hard to choose the right one.

We’ve added a results page to our website, streamlined the app, had several tech calls with Glo Fox, social media meeting with Avenue Digital, chased up some quotes, ordered samples for internal ideas 😜researched new equipment, lockers, paint colours, mirrors ... the list goes on.....

And this all runs along side what we love doing best and that’s seeing our members and clients every day! Zoom or outdoors, come rain or shine, ....Lockdown 3.0 hasn’t seemed to have slowed any of you down...And we are thankful for all your  lovely motivation and support you give back to us as well as you do with each other!

Enough of the cheese we hear you say...ok...But sometimes it has to be said 😘

Going forward to next week... Our to do list will continue to get longer but we are prepared! We are excited about our 4 week yoga course that you can sign up for ( just finalising the details before we reveal so more to follow on that!) and will be even excited to show you the progress of our build as we know it’s going to really start to take shape now and at the speed of knots .....  

So on that note we wish you a great weekend, make time to look after yourself and do something to make you happy!  xx