It’s going to be “all white”

It’s going to be “all white”

It has been another Jam packed and fun week at Bodyworx, which has flown by! We’ve welcomed the snow as a change of scene to normality which seems to have lifted everyone’s spirits! Especially the children’s! 

And the snow hasn’t stopped us!

Four Elms has continued to progress, we have a phone line ✔️we have windows ✔️ we have loads more cables in place for lights, security, tech ✔️ and we also have some plastered walls so its looking even more like a real studio and PT space - it's becoming closer for us to choose paint colours - eek!  But maybe we will save that for next week!

Classes have been busy! Our members have been focussing on their ‘Chilli’ challenges and the usual runs / cycles  which have been slightly inhibited by snow have been switched up to skating, sledging and walking more in the snow instead!  The main priority has been to get out, get fresh air and to keep moving and that has been a really positive focus.

A highlight for us has been today and our ‘free Friday’ sessions at the park! Which were free 30 min PT sessions in the park available to anyone wanting to book - Hoping to get people out and moving! And today with extra help from Jo Cawthorne, we saw 17 people between us! We had an absolutely amazing time seeing members and new people from Westerham, Four Elms and Edenbridge brave the snowy elements to train! The sun was out, the snow was crispy and it felt like we were on top of the mountains!  We were looked after so well as well and kept warm by many drop offs of Costa and some M&M’s too- so thank you for that!! 

Our next session available is on Friday 26th Feb, so contact us if want to book in!

On that note we are now off to sledge down the hills of Westerham whilst the snow is still here! You will hear the screams...We are Big kids at heart and out for the thrill! 

Have a great weekend all xx