Lockdown 3.0

How has everyone got on during our first week back in lockdown ? 

Certainly not the start to the year we had all hoped for , but here we are again . In lockdown and back to home schooling! 

What can we do ? 

Be positive or negative? Laugh or cry ? Run away or face this head on ? Curl up and feel sorry for ourselves or get out , stay active and keep our minds sharp ?

At the start of each year we usually start off with some serious restrictions on ourselves along with a massive exercise rampage . No alcohol, no cake , no pizzas , no chocolate you name it we usually try to cut it all out in January and restrict what we can and cannot have and exercise way more than we are used to  ...... In the middle of a pandemic where we are being told what we can and cannot do even more so , do we really need to be adding that extra pressure on ourselves right now ? Of course we don’t ! 

Forgot the strict diets and restrictions let’s be kind to ourselves over this lockdown . I read a tweet from jo wicks the other day and he really hit the nail in the head .... ( Shifts your fitness goals this year from being just about weight loss or body image and actually exercise to feel good 😌 Do it for your mental health . Do it to feel energised and feel stronger and fitter . Do it because you want to feel less stressed and be more focused and productive). 

We couldn’t agree more. 

Don’t fall into this trap of spending the next 5-6 weeks restricting your diet , and over training . I’ve seen it thousands of times , by mid feb you will be stuffing your face with cake and washing it down with copious amounts of alcohol and every single lb you lost will creep back on and some extras to go with it and then wonder why ? Be kind to yourself, if you eat a little of the bad stuff try to move a little more . 

This is not the year for you giving yourself a hard time because you promised yourself you would do dry January but the news of lockdown and home schooling tipped you over the edge and you gave in within the first week . There is no shame in that so DO NOT guilt trip yourself! 

We've never put a client on a diet ( and every one of them have seen results ) , it’s just not what we do here at Bodyworx . Yes we have re set programs but it’s not a strict diet where we cut every luxury food group out , we try to educate you on how to maintain a healthy lifestyle , but also having a life at the same time . You want some chocolate? Have some , just not a bar a day . You fancy a GIN ? Have it , just not one a night or a bottle a week . Small changes will see big results, most importantly maintainable results ! 

So What have we been up to our first week back ? We’ve actually had a pretty full on week and have been on site for most of it with lots of meetings and we have started  to move over some equipment to our storage container . The bricklayers are nearly finished , but with the weather being so cold they haven’t been on site for the past 3 days to finish the last little bit off . No big deal , as to be honest we are on no rush at the moment with the current restrictions 😂. 

Again this lockdown for us may be a blessing in disguise, we will have a few more hours in the day to crack on with all the little things we need to get done for our opening in ???? ( only Boris knows that one ) 🤣

Stay safe and give yourself lots of self care . We are off to watch crap TV with a GIN and a few squares of chocolate 😌

