Playing catch up...

The weeks seem to be slipping away from us and the new year is getting closer and closer! With our children having finished up last Friday for their Christmas break, our number 1 jobs as mums have taken over and certainly made this week a little more challenging!

Saying  that, It’s been another successful week and we’ve got through quite a bit more than expected. The only hurdle we have tripped up on in a slight set back with the booking app that may set us back another week, but we’ve timed it so it actually makes no difference as this week will fall over Christmas and new year. So we are still on course to have it up and running by end of December, beginning of Jan! 

Building work at Four Elms is moving along nicely, with the roof being installed on Saturday.  Flooring for both studio and PT/ Gym area have now been sorted which is such a weight off our shoulders as that process took a little longer than we had hoped it would. It’s just us being typically picky ladies that won’t settle for anything less than perfection !

On Thursday our new equipment arrived which is a lovely addition to the weights section. We decided to work with Watsons gym equipment again as the standard and durability of their equipment is second to none, actually the kit we bought nearly 4 years ago still looks brand new. So the little extra expense goes along way .... We even added some extra little touches by having our new logo added to all the equipment which really catches your eye as you walk in .


Can you believe it’s only 1 week until Christmas?  Our Christmas present won’t be delivered by Christmas Day .... but we don’t mind waiting until January for it 😜