The Sun is shining!

How nice has it been to see the sun make an appearance today ?! It was so nice to be in the park with a little bit of heat beating down on us . Reminded us of when we had just came out of the 1st lockdown with the sun shining on us while we spent hours in the park teaching classes and seeing our clients. We really couldn’t have picked a better day to start the 1st of our Free Friday sessions for the local community. It was Lovely to see current members, old members and some new faces working out with the Bodyworx Team. Like we said in our free Friday post, health and fitness has never been as important as it is now and to just get out the house for a walk, run or cycle is the highlight of our days at the moment. So it really was a no brainer for us to give back to the community and provide some free sessions to help keep you all moving and active.

Four Elms really isn’t allowing us any time  to sit still just now. A lot more site visits this week than in previous weeks, I think we are actually both now starting to think like builders. Lots of discussions this week about cables, wires and electrical bits and where everything will be going ....... A few sleepless nights of wondering how doors will fold and how much space we have to squeeze in a fridge 😂. It’s all new to us but we are both enjoying the process of learning just what goes into a new build, we’ve made a few mistakes but that’s to be expected.

One of the most exciting part of our week was actually seeing our signs go up ..... honestly give girls options and they will take an age to decide. That’s exactly what we have been like during this whole process 😂. You would think picking signs would have been easy .... nope not for us . Poor Steve had to draw us up numerous sketches in different colours and designs as we just couldn’t decide what was best . Anyway we settled on white as we felt the signs stood out more and drew attention to the eye better than the grey. God knows what we will be like picking lockers and door handles 😂😂😂 .... We actually still haven’t decided on the colour for the studio yet 😬😂.

The other exciting thing was Yoga! We have the super Sophie Tyrrell providing us with a four week introduction course to Yoga. It was great to be able to offer and also try something new and to say we need to work on our own flexibility is certainly true!

Anyway Bodyworx has a little surprise in store for our members hopefully towards the end of next week. So keep an eye out for our survival packages that we will be delivering soon  😜.

Have a great weekend!
