This First week of December has flown by for us!

This First week of December has flown by for us! With the reopening of the gym we couldn’t have been happier and although we can’t do classes inside you’ve all been amazing on Zoom!!  And have you seen our new video? If not, check it out on our Insta page.  A massive thank you has to go to the talented  Jade O'neil @ jdo.clicks for her filming - she captured exactly what we were after.

The Weather, although somewhat chilly has been on our side building wise with the walls going up on our new facility in Four Elms and it’s looking even more like our new home.....With that we have been busy behind the scenes never far away from a tape measurer and you’ll be pleased our counting skills have become more accurate when counting floor tiles😂😂.

We’ve been driving everywhere this week to get ideas...It’s possible you may have seen some strange things.... We’ve been testing out samples of new flooring for our new studio.... we’ve been stamping, dragging, slamming and throwing weights on floors testing their durability and now we think we have found the one🤞🏻🤞🏻. They say you have to kiss a lot of frogs to find your Prince... and the same goes for smashing weights on floors!

We’ve also been buying lots of exciting new things, so parcels keep a coming... it’s almost as if Christmas is not far away so keep your eyes peeled on our 12 days of Christmas on instagram and facebook @bodyworxwesterham.

Our app is coming along nicely too- by far, another labour of love for which we will need Substantial Bottles of Gin and Bloody Mary’s to celebrate with once it goes live. FYI .

Thanks to everyone for all your continuing support and encouragement... and please keep your selfie’s coming of you by our coming soon banner in Four Elms..We LOVE seeing them!

So, Until Monday, have a super weekend and stay well!

Big love
